From E! Online
We know where Robert Pattinson was today.
Across the street from our offices—at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art!
But he wasn't exactly checking out any exhibits…
Sources tell us that hottie R.Pattz and his stunning Remember Me costar Emilie de Ravin were there being photographed at the museum (aka LACMA) for Vogue magazine.
I'm told editors at the fashion bible are planning a multipage spread of the twosome for the mag's annual Power Issue that rolls off the presses just in time for Remember Me's March 12 release date.
"The theme is a date at LACMA," one source says.
Photographer Norman Jean Roy is said to have shot them in several spots throughout the museum, including interior and exterior setups. "It's kind of edgy in a Vogue way," the source says. "Emilie is wearing high fashion but it's like sort of tattered-looking. Rob is mainly in suits."
Pattinson arrived at about 9 a.m. before the museum opened. But it's not like art lovers—or Twihards—were going to get a good luck at him during the day anyway. Locations were blocked off with blue tarps and surrounded by security guards.
—Reporting by Dahvi Shira
I really hope this is true! Besides the fact that I am so excited to know he was spotted by someone (no, not me) but someone saw him today!!
I'm so happy that this film is finally starting to get noticed and talked about.
I am also thrilled to see him with Emilie because I think they're chemistry in Remember Me is going to SIZZLE!

I mean, look at them!!

Can't wait to see this photo shoot from Vogue!
**Update** GossipCop & rep for Emilie confirmed this to be true!
That's so exciting! Love Vogue photoshoots, so it'll be amazing to see what they can do with Rob...in suits, no less...*swoon* March cannot come soon enough for me!
I can't stop watching the trailer, looking at the screen caps, staring at my screensaver . . . not going to survive this movie. Rob looking like Rob? Gah!
I'm seriously going to need a part-time job to keep funding my Robsession.
I so agree girls!!! I am so excited to see him not playing a dork ( although love art & Daniel) and no white makeup or contacts... and no moral police!!
I swear that scene up against the wall... The trailer alone is so hot...
I watch the trailer at least 3 times a day!!
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