Monday, February 1, 2010

*******SPOILER POST *************ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK*****************

Some of the gals who comment on Robsessed gave me an idea to post a Spoiler thread for Remember Me.
Many of us have read the script, and have kept from talking about here's your chance!!!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Even if you haven't read the script, watching the video that that brilliant FP made will tell you the outcome of the movie.

But, it's not about 911-don't let that part take away from what the movie is really about.

We all know that Jenny changed quite a few things from the original script, and I'm sure things changed as they filmed.

For one, Tyler's last name has been changed.
Jenny also changed the way Michael dies, which I'm happy about it.

This is a love story, a story about family, it's ups & downs, betrayal, trust, heartbreak, and opening your heart when you feel that it can never be opened again.

Will Fetters wrote a beautiful script, and Jenny took it and ran.

This movie may cause some controversy for sure, but I hope not enough to take away from the beauty of this film...

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Oh, RPG! Thanks for this space!

Not worried about this movie, think Rob & company are going to kick ass here. More worried about how the movie is received by some, because of the ending.

I cannot imagine going into a movie like this cold. It would absolutely kill me. Just from a story standpoint, let alone being a Rob-fan.

IMO, if ever a movie warranted breaking a non-spoiler vow? This is it.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yay Gwen! I know, I needed this too!

nikola6 said...

Thanks for doing this sweetie 'cause things are about to explode over on ROBsessed.

And I disagree about Michael's death. I'm not sure they've actually changed it, but rather, threw out a red herring saying they did because the script got leaked. Think about it.

If Michael doesn't die in the first WTC bombing, then that cuts the legs out from under the twist when Tyler dies in the second one. Because they lead us to believe throughout the entire film, that Michael died at the WTC and everyone will naturally assume that was on Sept.11th because who remembers the first attack? I know it was February 1993, but was it the 23rd or the 26th? See? No one remembers that date.

If Michael death wasn't in that first bombing then having Tyler standing in that window of that building on the morning of September 11, 2001 is a purely random thing and has nothing to do with the story (kills all of the irony of it) and then THAT will be seen as EXTREMELY exploitive. To use that unimaginable tragedy to kill off a character who could have just as easily been hit by a car while crossing a busy NY street. Why use that tragedy if it has no other connection any other part of the story?

Michael must die as was the original idea or else this movie could end up a disaster. It could anyway. If it's a lousy movie, it will be seen as using this tragedy to tell a lousy story. Even if the film is great, it still stands the chance of being seen as explotive and again, using this tragedy to tear at our emotions. Alot of people (especially in NY), once word gets out what happens here, are not going to be able to sit through this. It's too soon.

When this film comes out next month, we won't even be 10 years removed from all of this. This is the first time in ANY film, that we've placed a 'fictional' character in that nightmare. This is a very dicey proposition indeed.

Got some more to say. But I got this chore to do. Again, thank you so much for doing this.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

It's almost funny, in a non-humorous way, but there are going to be some hysterical fans coming out of the theaters.

And because of the emotional impact, how in the hell are folks going to---or will they want to---see it again?

This is going to have much more of an impact than Sixth Sense---that was just an intriguing mind (fuck) twist---which was great and actually encouraged people to view it again, from the other perspective.

Just want Rob's first post-Twi/non-Twi movie to go well. There's so much negativity to "Edward". Want Rob to prove them wrong. Is that so much to ask?

(Gwen wants to WARN folks! LOL. But she's trying to keep her mouth shut when needed.)

Nancy said...

Thank you RPG for this.
Oh, I just was overwhelmed with the pictures Godze put up today. I just read the script this past weekend and knew it was about 911.This will be the first movie about it, I think???

The computer screen shot was definitely at Dad's desk when he sees Michael and Caroline's pictures on there. From the looks of the trailer, this film is going to be fantastic and I know I'm going to need a Box of tissues to get thru the ending. Love Pierce as well as Rob. This will bring in the fellows to see Rob for a change. I think people will flock to this movie and it may outsell New Moon. I hope so for Rob's sake. He's a fabulous actor. I already plan on buying the DVD for this.

I recognized each shot today so it appears they are following the original script, but noticed not very much dialog on it. I also think the WTC will be for both Michael and Tyler. Wonder if they'll do the cemetery scene at the end. I'm crying just thinking about it. OH My.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I totally see your point.... I swear i thought or heard that they changed Michaels death to a suicide... Rather than the WTC?

This movie is gonna kill on the emotions... between the relationship of Tyler & Caroline, and Charles.... and Alley...
serious screams are gonna take place in the theater....

I agree need to stop talking about it on Robsessed... Too much already leaked...

Hmmm, as we get closer, will have to do an Eclipse spoiler too... which cracks me up... We all read the book!'

nikola6 said...

Okay. I lied. I didn't have a chore to do. I needed a cig and I don't smoke in the house. So where was I?

One last thing about the dates and why it is SO important not to give up the time frame here. According to the script, Michael died at the WTC eight years earlier. Since it will be March of 2010 when the film comes out, that will be 8 and 1/2 years since 9/11 and so, the audience will assume that is when Michael died. They must assume that for the twist, the irony of that twist, to work.

The thing I mentioned on ROBsessed about an implausibility that I caught in the script that I believe could hurt the credibility of the story if they film this particular scene as written...the survival of Tyler's journal.

Yes, the journal MUST survive because his words must survive. His father MUST read those words in order to know who his son truly was. If they shoot that scene as written (Tyler's journal lying on the ground amid the debris), it flies in the face of ALL credibility. That journal never would have survived intact.

Not from where Tyler was standing at the point of impact. Standing in that window, that the plane hit, put him LITERALLY at ground zero. He would have disintergrated. They wouldn't have found his teeth, let alone a paper journal he was carrying with him. Yes, there was plenty of debris on the ground that came flying out of those buildings, but nothing from the point of IMPACT would have survived. And to think that it would be lying on the ground, opened to the last page with his final words written there, is laughable.

He needs to leave it home. Why would he bring it with him anyway? He's going down for a quick meeting with his father. He's not going to stop in the park and write as he wants to get back to Ally just as soon as he can.

She needs to find that journal sitting on the nightstand (or wherever). She needs to open it and read his final words. His father needs to see those final words. He needs to leave it home. It's the only way it can survive with any kind of believeability.

I sure hope they caught that. I saw it immediately and thought...NO. NO. NO.

Got some more thoughts here, but I think I'll wander back to the blog and see what's shaking.

Nancy said...

RPG, who hasn't read the book????

mostly guys and young children maybe?


I really loved Breaking Dawn. Still watching if it will be one or 2 movies. The Twilight actors are all getting great movies, so Summit better get moving if they don't want to ruin last one.

hazeyjane said...

I'd love to discuss spoilers, but I haven't been able to get anyone to send me a copy of the script so far.:( Anyone willing to help out? My email is


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

hazeyjane, one minute, then check your email. ; )

SluttyPattz said...

I CAN NOT wait for this movie. The script made me sob. I passed it to my cousin and she sobbed as well. Called me and left a five minute voicemail on how sad and beautiful she thought the story was.

This will be a hit for Rob. I am sure of it.

Nancy said...

I am hoping an Oscar nomination for him on this movie. Crossing fingers here.

If we all believe it, it may happen.

Nancy said...

Picture #2 is right before the plane hits. It's dad's office. OMG, just realized it.

Same shirt, no T under neath. Very closeup, looks like brown on walls behind him.

What a heart breaker movie and role and actor. Will I love thru this?

Nancy said...

OOPS, Live not Love. Slip of the tongue where Rob is concerned.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Yes, re-looking at pix now. God, the poor unsuspecting tweens & teens are going to flip out after this movie...

Just hope the movie promos stress that this is NOT a romantic comedy.

Nancy said...

Gwen, just thought of something, the tweens weren't here for 911. They will go back over and over to view this movie.

I am really not looking forward to any screaming in the theater. Try to go during the day when they're at school.

Will try Nikola06 way if I have to. Never did that before. Learning how to be a NB is kinda fun.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


yea the journal part got me as well. It has to survive and it couldn't, shouldn't be with him.

He's standing at the window looking as the plane comes right at him... My god.... I can't even imagine the horror that went through anyones minds at that point...

The journal must not be at the WTC.....

I will need to take a Valium before I see this movie... The script alone sent me into a sobbing convulsing mess....

Fuck I fucking love this man!!!!!

ikr? Will do an eclipse one down the road....

Nancy said...

rpg, what is ikr, I don't text. Sorry.

Love you

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

IKR=I know right? In jessicas voice from twilight!

Nancy said...

RPG, thanks, understand.

Nancy said...

@RPG, @GWEN, @nikola6, @teri

Well, I'm going to take a chance here. I have noticed that Sleeper knows "way too much about Rob and his past" Who could it be?

I expect only diehard fans here, so am willing to share. I was going to keep it to myself but figured, why not. I don't mind sharing because I Love him.

MMc said...

Yeah, I'm glad you posted the Coulter Tweet about it really looking great.
But I am worried too about what New Yorkers especially are going to think.

As far as I know there has not been a movie other than documentary types made with the 9/11 disaster as a part of a fictional script. It is fictional right?

If it were a true story it might be accepted more easily but since it's fiction and they are USING 9/11 as the pivotal scene...............I just don't know how they'll accept that.

Of course the theme is about love and taking chances and finding happiness - something true we can all relate to. And seeing Rob in this type of movie will totally make my year - I hope there are TONS of special features in the DVD and NO screamers.

MMc said...

I heard someone say this will be like Love Story from the 60's with Ryan O'Neal and that brunette girl.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, Nancy, no idea! Maybe a Summit person? Sleeper posts lots of outside link info, not that I mind, I don't. Good to know.

Funny thing---the comic book author, Kim? Her posting directly on the thread actually made me consider that, hey, it is quite possible & likely that Rob's people are, in fact, reading Robsessed. And if you're looking for Rob info, it's the place to go. Makes sense.

Doubt Sleeper is R and/or K, however. Nick's assistant, maybe? ; ) LOL.

Nancy said...

Picture #6, black T-shirt, sitting at a booth. This must be the Deli where he sat with his brother Michael. He totally captured the face of someone remembering his brother here. What an actor he is!!!

Doesn't anyone get this but us?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I've wondered about sleeper as well!
She doesn't really comment, just seems to post info!!

Hmmmm, we could ponder forever on that one.

yes RM is a fictional story... but it could probably match up without a lot of real stories as well.

I hope the 9/11 tragedy doesn't overshadow the movie... I think Will was very brave to take this risk....

nikola6 said...

What I worry about here is that by leading the audience to think that 9/11 has already happened, only to discover -at the very end- that it hasn't, in essence to sucker punch the audience in the gut, that could produce some outrage and backlash.

But at some point we've got to face this and not be afraid about telling stories -fictional ones- about it. I'm just wondering if less than 10 years removed is just a tad too soon. I guess we'll find out.

And RPG...
I always thought it was merciful for those who died on impact. They didn't feel a thing, at least from a physical standpoint. Yes, they had those few seconds of horror, but not enough time to even really absorb what was happening. It was the ones who initially survived, who were trapped, who maybe thought they had a chance. I can't even think about that now or I'll break all over again.

I so want this film to succeed for Rob, but I do have my worries. I'll settle for a big opening (before word gets out) and some critical acclaim. If the box office tapers off once it's known how this story ends, I can live with that.

The thing is, Hollywood is looking very closely at this one. They're looking to see if Robert Pattinson can 'open' a film that is not Twilight related and the thinking is, if he can't do it during the height of Twilight mania, when can he?

But back to RM. I've come up with an alternate ending to the film. One that would allow the audience to leave the theatre with some hope. I'll come back and post it later. I've been thinking too much about this today and I just don't want to think about it for awhile.

See ya latah...

nikola6 said...

One last thought about that journal ending up on the ground...

If that were to happen, then how could it affect anyone who knew and loved him? How would they find that journal amoungst all of what came out of those buildings.

It would simply be a 'visual' for the camera. For the audience and it would be wrong. We don't need to see the journal. We need to know that those who loved him saw the journal.

They made a similar mistake in Twilight. Victoria at the prom?

With his vampire senses, wouldn't have Edward 'smelled' another vampire in the room? Some might say, well, Em and Rose and Jas and Alice were there. True, but they didn't show us that, did they? As far as that narrative went, they weren't there. Film is a visual medium and if you don't show us or even tell us, then it didn't happen.

But even more than that...
Wouldn't have Edward picked up her thoughts? How could she have been there without him knowing it?

That ending was for the camera only. It was another 'visual' for the audience but flew in the face of credibility, at least where Edward was concerned.

In all the things I've read about this film, I've never read a single word of criticism about that scene. Not even from a critic. I thought it was so glaring that it jumped out and bit you.

It always amazes me how such plot holes get by so many people; the director, the writer, the actors, the editors, the produers.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I fucking heart you....HARD....

I soooo agree about the ones who were close enough to see it coming, they totally suffered the least....

I'm anxious to hear your alt ending!

Unknown said...

Here's what creeps me out the most:

A couple years ago, in my 8th grade history class, we were all talking about the 9-11 attacks. My teacher said, "Every time I think about the attacks, I picture in my head a man standing in front of the window and looking up to see a jetliner coming right towards him."
So imagine my surprise when I read the script for "Remember Me" about two years later. My facial expression was like, "O_O" ! It was a total deja vu moment.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Ok, that is really creepy...but it did happen. Once again, parallel universes in the works...

Ron Breitweiser was on the phone with his wife, Kristin...the first tower had already been hit...she was literally on the phone with him...

So although RM is a fictional story, there are soooo many stories that we don't know because there's no one to tell them, or they're too personal to tell..

Not trying to get political here, but one of my favorite books is called,
Wale Up Call, the political education of a 9/11 widow....

It's an amazing story by one the Jersey Girls....heartbreaking to no end.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wake Up Call, not Wale up-sorry, 1/2 bottle of wine is typing!

Susanne said...

RPG, thanks for the spoiler post!!!

Did I understand you right? They changed the circumstances of Michael death? That would be a really bad idea!

@Nik: Always love to read your comments and always agree with what you´re saying.

I intend to watch it by myself,( except for the other people in the theater, you know what I mean), because I´m pretty sure I´ll start crying pretty early.

I´m also wondering if Rob can open a movie. Honestly I don´t think Remember me will be a great success. I´m counting on Bel Ami, where people will attend to see Uma Thurman, Kristen Scott Thomas or Christina Ricci. And I think everybody will be blown away by Robs performance. He may get an Oscar nomination for Bel Ami, but not for Remember me.

Andraesteff said...

Ok I have been avoiding the script, the blogs, everything except the stills from RM because I knew something like this would happen!!!
I knew that the writters were going to kill him, I knew it and when I enter in ROBsessed to see the new stills I never thought that they will talk about the movie spoilers in the comments, so I read on and when someone just ask if the movie was in the past or the present and the office still I just knew, it was 9/11 and Tyler was going to die in the most horrible way ever!! I just feel depress now, but at least I know and when I go and see it I won't scream like a little girl (that much).

I just hope that because of this fact people won't go and see the movie because it looks like is going to be a good one, I've heard that Rob is great in it and I just want it to do so well. So I'll keep the secret. hush hush ;)

Andraesteff said...

Correction for the last part: I hope people still goes out and watch this movie even after this fact (Tyler's death in 9/11) because I want this movie and Rob, for that matter, to do well and to show people that he can open a movie be himself and that is not just a Twi-mania thing.

That's all, Thank you.

ana said...

i just finished read the script... and i'm crying like a baby...

it's beautiful, sad but so well writen, i love it!

from see the trailer my idea of the movie was so diferent, but this story is amazing!

thanks gwen! :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


you're welcome!

I did hear they changed the circumstances of michaels death... but I don't know that to be a fact..

The reason I said I was glad is because I thought people would just completley not accept that this family could have 2 sons killed in 2 seperate WTC bombings...

One of the most important componets of this movie is that you don't know what year this takes place...
You assume it's today.... but you learn or figure out that's it's actually 2001.... really powerful...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Just to add one more thing... yes Rob can open a movie... I firmly believe that... My concern is that people go back & see it again and tell their friends about it...

Susanne said...

I really WISH people will recognize Robs enormous talent in RM already! We have to make people go and watch the movie, that´s the whole point.

Susanne said...

Just to make myself clear: Of course he can open a movie, he´s a great actor!
I´m just afraid that people will not watch RM because of "that twilight guy".
I hope and pray that I´m dead wrong and it will be a huge success and he will get an Oscar and a Golden Globe, any other price that´s around and a gazillion dollars for every movie he´s making in the future.

No, honestly, I hope he gets everything HE wishes for, whatever that may be.

Nancy said...

I have already talked someone into accompanying me to the opening that doesn't know a thing about it.

Hopefully, word of mouth, like Dirty Dancing will get the numbers on this one. I really do expect it to happen for Rob.

ps: I also plan on saying something at work about this great movie, hehehe

God I just love him so much.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm just getting back to responding about Victoria at the fucking prom!!!! Omg, seriously???? Why in the he'll would CH do that???

Edward would know in a heartbeat that she wad there!!! So fucking stupid & completley egotistical on her part to think no one fucking read the book!!!

He would have smelled her before they even got through the door... When will Hollywood realize we have a brain??

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


good for you sweetie!!! I talk about it constantly at work!

I actually got 8 people tp go see little ashes with me!!

crazy vamp said...

Oh God... I came here to read the spoiler post (I read RPG telling about it in Robsessed)... I did not read the script, but I needed to know, 'cause I had this 'feeling' that Tyler was going to die. Well, now I know... and I'm shaking all over as I write this comment.

The thing I really do not know now is if I'll ever have the strenght to go see it. I lost my first love in a car accident, and I simply don't want to go see any damn love story that will make me live those days again...

I'm sorry that I came here. I'm sorry that I'll miss Rob in it.
I'll stick to Rob in the Twilight saga. It is safer for me.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry... please don't let this stop you from seeing this movie....

It's hard, I know...I haven't lost a lover, but I did lose my BF at 15. she was murdered by her boyfriend, and I helped the lie that got her out of the house to see him....

Take a deep breath, and support our can do it....

This movie has a lot of meaning, and it brings so many broken hearts together....

Love you to pieces...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gwen Cooper 426 said...

God, CV, sending you a huge hug right now. You're making me cry! Heart you big time.

And we are always here for you, any time---email or blog one of us. Wish I could make things better.

I think this movie may make many people sad for similar reasons.

jc(britlover) said...

Audiences will be totally sucker punched in the gut, totally taken by surprize and incredulous when this movie ends.
Even, as rpg stated, the movie is not about 911, I do not feel it will in any way have a negative impact on the audience or those who personally lived through it.
Americans and those in NYC will never forget. Speaking of 911 pays homage to those who lost their lives and the families left to cope, while helping keep memories alive. I don't foresee any backlash.
But I am positive in my thinking that this movie will showcase Rob's capability as an actor to a broader demographic and that he will blow audiences and critics away.

jc(britlover) said...

@cv & rpg
So very sorry.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

RPG, sending you a hug in comfort as well. Heart you lots, Queen NB! And I admire your strength!

nikola6 said...


I'm thinking I may have to disagree with you there, respectfully. And the proof in that would be right here on this blog. CV saying that she doesn't know if she can sit through it because it may conjure up those feelings she's had to deal with in losing someone she loved. Imagine all those 9/11 families who have yet to come to terms with their loss, if they ever will. I think that some are not only still grieving but they are still angry. Well, they're hurt and hurt alot of times manifests itself as anger. I think there could be backlash here. I'm hoping not, but I think it's a definite possibility.

And CV...
Oh darlin', I am so sorry. But like RPG said, I too hope that this doesn't keep you from the film because while 9/11 is the backdrop, THAT'S not what this story is about. It's really about overcoming tragedy. It is about healing. It is about redemptive love. It's about living one's life to the fullest everyday because none of us knows when that last day is.

And RPG...
I'm so very sorry for what you have gone through too with your friend. But that's the thing about life though...we've all suffered the pain and known the joy of it. And that's the deal. If we choose to love then we also choose that someday we might lose that love...even in the most painful way possible. Even with our own hand involved. If we choose to love, we also choose the possibility of the pain that losing that love will bring. That's the deal. Go watch a film called Shadowlands with Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. It explains this concept beautifully.

Got you guys in my thoughts tonight.

And RPG...I'll try to get to that alternate ending I came up with tonight. If not, then definitely tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Wow thank you for doing this post... as a spoilerwhore i have been dying to chat about this movie and script but only a select few will listen!!

You all raise great points, I agree about the journal, @nikola6 - leaving ti at home for her to find is a great idea, I hope that's what happens!!

As for the change in Michael's death, I am very torn between two thoughts. On the one hand I think the impact and relaisation that both brothers were lost in WTC attacks will now be lost. It won't be as dramatic a point as I think they originally wanted to get across.

However, I spent the whole time reading the script thinking 'How on earth could the Father place his office back into the WTC after losing Michael'. It didn't make any sense (to me anyway) that this man would want to return to where his Son died every day to work? It seems more logical for him to have moved his business to another building after the 1993 attack.

I am so eager to see this film, even moer than New Moon - I hope it lies up to our expectations!!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOVE and sweet dreams, RPG! ; ) Like I said earlier, I so admire your strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You rock!

Nancy said...

rpg and cv,
Love you both very much and feel your pain too. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

The basic plot of this movie/script is about family love, connection and heartache. 911 is just the back drop and ties it all together. But I really think Rob and Company may get qudos for doing it. I read some feeling a backlash, but I don't think so. I do live in Ohio and had no family involvement in 911. NYC will definitely feel it the most and a lot of actors will be affected since the family members are also there. But its more about how the family feels about it, not the tragedy itself. (But this is based on them not screwing up the first Script).

Do you really mistrust Rob that he would get involved in something distasteful? I trust his instincts and I feel the same way. Trusting Rob is the way to go. Sorry, getting on my high horse here. Am learning how to become a NB. Never been here before. :-)

Love and hugs to all

Nancy said...

rpg and cv,
Love you both very much and feel your pain too. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

The basic plot of this movie/script is about family love, connection and heartache. 911 is just the back drop and ties it all together. But I really think Rob and Company may get qudos for doing it. I read some feeling a backlash, but I don't think so. I do live in Ohio and had no family involvement in 911. NYC will definitely feel it the most and a lot of actors will be affected since the family members are also there. But its more about how the family feels about it, not the tragedy itself. (But this is based on them not screwing up the first Script).

Do you really mistrust Rob that he would get involved in something distasteful? I trust his instincts and I feel the same way. Trusting Rob is the way to go. Sorry, getting on my high horse here. Am learning how to become a NB. Never been here before. :-)

Love and hugs to all

Nancy said...

sorry for double posting. Have goofy wireless mouse that goes crazy now and then. G7 Logitech that they've discontinued.

Susanne said...

Him dying on 9/11 really keeps me thinking. I´m really wondering how America will take this.

When I read the script, I couldn´t believe they let him die like that, because I never thought about bringing this tragedy into a Hollywood movie.

I´m in the airline business, have been to New York about 300 times and it was my favorite city on earth. Until today, I don´t think NY has recovered from this blow.
It´s hard to describe, but before 9/11 NY was full of life and laughter and craziness and speed. When I come to NY today, everything seems to be superficial, like the city is wearing a mask.

So I am really eager to see how the audience responds to this movie.

@Nik Now I even start crying about your comments. What you said about the movie was just wonderful.

crazy vamp said...

Girls, thanks. You are all amazing... Yeah, I know this is a place where we can share some of these things. Good things and bad things.
Actually, it happened 25 years ago -- I was 21 then, and he was 27. He died a month and a half before our wedding. I went to hell, but was able to come back somehow.
I met my husband a couple of years latter. He is wonderful, but the pain in your heart never fades away. Especially, when I think of how much young, brilliant and beautiful my first guy was, with his whole life still to live (even if it meant without me). I married my DH 20 years ago, but never had the 'church ceremony'; just couldn't. well, okay, we not very good catholics anyway. Now, we have two wonderful teenagers (is this a contradiction??), a labrador, some other animals, old parents and an old house to fix.

No, I won't go see RM in the theaters. I'll wait until it comes out in DVD and watch it all by myself, with a bottle of wine and just let my tears have their way...

RPG, so sorry for your friend. Yes, life can be tough. I love you all, girls. Really.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Love you baby...I understand why you need to watch it this way...
We're all here for you...

jc(britlover) said...

@Hey Nik
Didn't read cv's comment until after I had made mine. I totally understand her agony. I based my comment on personal experience and discussion w/others having suffered loss. When I was 20, the son of a good family friend passed away. I spoke to her about him and my remembrances all the time. She told me that most people avoided conversation involving her son, and that this made her very sad, as if doing so would make her more sad. Well, of course if would have been impossible to make her more sad! Anyway, this in part is one lesson and one viewpoint that has stayed with me all these years. Of course, I dare not speak for anyone else. Peace to all!

Susanne said...

CV, what a loss! I understand that you want to watch it alone. I wish you all the best!

nikola6 said...

Allright then. I finally made it back here. Where was I? Oh yeah...

My alternate ending. But first I want to comment about Michael's death. And then about Charles.

Again, I don't know if they changed the original script concerning Michael's death, but if they did, they have made a BIG mistake. As I said, Michael dying in the first attack is what gives the film it's 'ironic twist'. Without it, Tyler's death during the second attack will just be a random thing having nothing to do with what came before. And that will be seen as exploitive. There is no reason to kill him that way except to tie it to his brother's death. I hope to God they really haven't changed this as it is absolutely vital to the story. Now Charles...

And what I'm about to say here is what led me to coming up with an alternate ending. This movie ends on such a downer. It's horrible. It leaves us in despair. No hope. And that is no way to end a film that has been trying to tell a story about healing and redemptive love.

What happened to Charles? Why did he pull away from his family? Leave his wife? Distance himself from his children? Because of guilt. He's the one who put Michael in that building that day. Remember? Michael was a musician and Charles told him he had to put such childishness away and grow up. So Michael caved and did as his father asked. He cut his hair, put on a suit and went to work for his father in the WTC and got killed in the first bombing. And happens again (and yeah RPG, I can see some rolling their eyes at this happening twice in the same family, but what the hell? It's a work of fiction, not a documentary)

Charles has begun to make the turn around. Reconnecting with his son and daughter. Then he sends his son to the exact same place (but for an entirely different reason; not trying to control his life) and happens again. What would this do to a father? Knowing that he was the one who placed both of his sons in the situations that got them killed. Put them where they normally would not be, but where Charles is everyday and yet, they are dead and he is not. What kind of a setback is this going to be with him? He only just began his turn around with his children. This is beyond horrific. Something like this could finish a parent off. Make them give up. Maybe make them think they should completely distance themselves from their only surviving child so as nothing happens to her. And what of that surviving child? She was too young to remember Michael, but Tyler was everything to her. And now, what of Ally? What is going to happen to that poor girl?

In the movie she actually witnesses her mother's murder on that train platform (they changed that from the original script) and this has of course profoundly affected her. Then she meets this boy and takes a chance. Oh and if you didn't know, their relationship (from the meet to the day he dies) is suppose to take place in just six weeks time. She takes a pretty big chance in such a small amount of time to surrender her heart to him. And then...he's ripped from her. Just like her mother. What would happen to this girl. How much tragedy is she suppose to endure.

These are the questions and this is how the film ends. And I just think it's a wrong choice. This ending is just too horrific to leave it like this. It could seriously hurt the film. Who would go back for a second viewing except die hard Rob fans?'s what I came up.

Next post.

nikola6 said...

I just watched that video and oh God. That music is so beautiful. It's the theme from Revolutionary Road. And those words she used, are those all of Ghandi's words, or just in part? Because THOSE are the words (all of them) with Tyler's voice speaking them that the audience should hear as his father and Ally read them. If they did that, then this ending I've come up, wouldn't be necessary as it would end the story on a note of hope. Those words would further the idea of this film; overcoming tragedy, healing and the power of redemptive love which is what this story is really all about. But to leave them on the ground, unread? No. So then.

What if Ally had Tyler's baby? Now before you groan and roll your eyes and think, how corny, hear me out. After 9/11 there were, (not sure of the number) about 60 babies born. In some instances the mothers knew they were pregnant and in others, they didn't. So, this would not be an implausible premise at all. Here's how I picture the scene.

The screen fades to black and the audience thinks the film is over. But then suddenly, it comes back to life and were looking at the bluest sky you've ever seen (remember that gorgeous, glorious blue sky that day?) The camera pans down and we are in a cemetary. On the bottom of the screen it says...

September 11, 2002

We see two headstones;

Michael Hawkins
b. 1971, d. Feb.23 (or 26) 1993
Tyler Hawkins
b. 1979, d. Sept.11, 2001

(both brothers died at 22 btw and that is in the script)

The camera pulls back and we see the back of the family and Ally standing in front of their graves. The camera pulls around and were on Ally's face. She is sad, even teary, but not broken. There is a strength, a resolve to her. They all appear that way. Sad. With tears, but not broken (except for Caroline. She is 'quietly' weeping and her little face is the picture of grief). The camera pans down and we see the reason for the strength and resolve in the adults. For there in Ally's arms is a small, sleeping baby wrapped in a blue blanket. A boy. Tyler's son. We then see Charles step forward to place his hand on the baby's head then lean down to kiss his little cheek. They all stand there for another moment. Ally and Caroline wrap an arm around one another and then they all turn to leave. Together.

This is what would help this family to heal. That little baby. That little baby is the living proof, that life goes on. And it does. It must. This little baby is Charles' second chance. He's lost both his sons, but now he's got his child's child. Another chance to get it right. And Ally would not have been able to give up either. She had to live. She had to be strong. She had to bring his baby into this world so that a part of Tyler could lived on.

And before the audience could groan and roll it's eyes, they put the disclaimer up on the screen telling about the babies that were born in the aftermath.

I think an ending like this OR somehow having Tyler's words survive for those he loved, could save the film as it would end, as I said, on a note of hope. If they end it as written, I don't know...

Lemme know what you think. And be honest.

nikola6 said...

Forget it. Forget everything I wrote about a baby.

I've watched that video maybe a half a dozen times now and those words. That's all that's needed here. THOSE WORDS! In Tyler's voice as Charles and Ally read them.

They're perfect.

But I so fear were not gonna get 'em. I fear they filmed it as written and he took that journal with him.

Maybe the audience will get some ending with a voice over, but these characters are going to be left in...misery.

Unless they've come up with another ending. Hope so.

But forgot the baby. Story doesn't need it. But it sure as hell needs those words.


kazbar65 said...

I am absolutely gutted and bawling my eyes out atm while writing this. As much as I didn't want to know I could help myself.
However I am so glad that I have read this as I KNOW that if I walked into that movie without knowing I would have not walked out alive.. I can now steel myself to remain smi calm and know to take a box of tissues posibily a towel and some very srong coffee to restart my heart. Does any one have the script that I could read (here in Australia we are so Rob bereft) Thank you RPG for posting this.

@CV I am so with you, our lives could be a mirror image.

@Nik6 I love your alternative ending. My 21 year old boy is the reason I still live today.

I am loving that I have found these blogs. Same minded people to share my Rob obsession who are of similar age. I am not the only 40+ woman coveting a 23 year old MAN.

nikola6 said...

Thank you kazbar...

And I've always held with the idea that if you love Robert Pattinson, that you should not walk into that theatre cold, not having a clue as to what is coming. I think there are going to be people on the blog who are going to be so sucker punched by this. This story is going to have such an emotional impact on people. And for those of us who love Rob so much and yes, we goof around about lusting after him (and we do...were normal), but there's a lot of protective feelings for him too. Maybe because he is so young. The mother in all us, wants to protect our young. And in some strange way, he is our young.

When I first read that script I thought, damn, I didn't want to know that. But then I thought, oh I am so grateful that I do. That I am now somewhat prepared. I adore him so much and thought of him being in harms way -especially in that tower on that day- even though this is just a fictional story, just the idea of him in that kind of harm's way...

I don't know. I think if I went into that theatre cold, I honestly think there would have the possiblity that I would have passed out.

Have you watched the video that RPG put up? The one by fakerparis? It's on this post. Please watch it. It is so devastating. And the music is perfect. And those words that she puts up on that screen.

That's really all the ending of this film needs...those words in his voice. That in his 22 years he learned that life is not to be understood but rather, simply enjoyed. God. Such simple but profound words.

Because how can we understand it? We can't. Why do babies die of cancer or are born into such poverty that they starve to death? Why do some of us live for only a few minutes and some a 100 years? Why are those people who were in those planes and in those towers, why are their lives over?

We don't know. We cannot understand. We can only enjoy the time we've been given.

That's it. What a powerful message.
Oh how I wish those words could make their way into this film.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nik,'re killing me here...and you're totally right-if they changed Michaels death, it really does not tie in one bit to Tyler's death, and explain what in the hell happened to Charles....
I read somewhere they made Michael's death a suicide instead, but again, it came from Twitter and we all know what a cess pool that is for rumors....

I agree, no baby-we need Tyler's words and the voice over...and that journal has to survive.

If you leave me your email I will send you the script...

I agree, if I had gone in blind not knowing this story, I don't know what my reaction would's already killing me..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

got your email, I sent you the script

nikola6 said...


Can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that the rumour about changing Michael's death was a twitter thing, 'cause that's as reliable as nothing. But I did think this was something from the production itself. So hope it's just some more twitter bullshit. They change the way Michael died and I don't does it all tie in together?

And yeah about the baby idea. It isn't necessary. I was just trying to come up with a way to end this thing on a note of hope because as written, it pretty much leaves these characters in despair. And THAT could kill the movie. The subject matter is just too damn sad. They've got to leave the audience with something.

But if they get the journal thing right; that it survives with feasibility and with the right words, then that will give it the ending it needs. It will be enough.

I sound like a big fucking know-it-all, don't I? I don't mean to come off that way because the truth is, I don't know shit. I've just got opinions and that don't make 'em right. Just mine.

Talk atcha' latah...

Susanne said...

I´m reading Niks end and I´m crying again. WTF is wrong with me? This movie will make me end up in a mental institution!

Nik, I absolutely loved your ending. I really did. Those words of FP are very powerful, but they make this movie even more sad (if this is possible).

As all of you I´m really happy that i read the script, I would have been really shocked otherwise because I never ever expected him to die!

At this moment, I´m really afraid to watch RM, I will probably cry throughout the whole movie. God, what is our man doing to us...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I will probably cry in the opening scene in the movie, the moment Rob graces the screen, and will cry all the way through...

Hey, we all need to agree to meet up on Robsessed (or here) and talk about this movie once we all see it!!! We will need to support each other!!!

And, swoon over Rob of course!!!

Susanne said...

RPG, I will definitely need support after seeing it, lots of it!

I´m so glad to have you all to share this...thanks!

kazbar65 said...

@ RPG Thank you Thank you Thank You. I got the script and have spent all day reading it. I am absolutely shattered but so in awe. Tears have been streaming down my face all day.

This is a big step to take. I am right in assuming it is the first main stream movie to reference 9/11?? A very brave and noble move on behalf of rob to be Exec Producer. Some risk taking here!!!

I am so glad I read the script as I do very truly believe that I would not have come out of the theater alive or at least been able to function for a few days. I have a couple of weeks now to steel myself before seeing Robler and the story on the big screen. I can hope hope there are not a large number of teenage girls screaming when he first walks on as I don't think I could be held responsible if I hit out and tell them to shut up...

nikola6 said...

Thank you. As I said, I was just trying to think of a way to end this thing on a note other than despair. It was just an idea. But if they can just get the journal part right, the ending should be okay.

And yes kazbar...
This is the very first film that places a fictional character in that situation. And it is a brave move because no one knows what the reaction is going to be.

Fingers crossed that there isn't too much fallout.

nikola6 said...

One last thing...

Those photos that were released today? The one with the family at the cemetary?

That one choked me up because in just a matter of weeks, Tyler will be lying beside his brother. Well...not really. Symbolicaly(sp?), he'll be beside his brother (a gravestone will there) as his body was gone, never to be recovered.

It made me think of President Kennedy...

Two weeks before he was assasinated, he went to Arlington Cemetary for a ceremony. He was standing at the bottom of the hill from Robert E. Lee's house looking out over Washington, DC. And he made the comment that it was so beautiful there that he could stay there forever. And just two weeks later, he was in the ground...right near the spot he was standing on.

And what can you say to something like that?

I don't know.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG, yes, the photo at the cemetery kills this point, they of course have no idea what lies ahead, and that there will be two headstones...

JFK & RK, unbelievable to this day...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok gurls... lets talk about the shower scene!

Afterwards, in the script, Aiden comes in and invites them to a party, and Ally gets gets really drunk and can't go home...she stays the night (first time) at Tyler's.

She & her dad get in this wicked fight, and that's when she ends up moving in with Tyler....

Anonymous said...

God help me it was a long way to the bottom of the blog to hit that comment button...
1. yeh, kind of knew Tyler dies the title is after called Remember Me...
2. I have come to realize one thing about our man...he is allllll man and having said that he is with a great deal of intellect apparent in the choices he makes about the projects he will accept that must be what he deems his standard. One of the main reasons I remembered him, ironically enough, no pun intended, in HP was that he was sooooooo young, no. 1. and 2. he died in that film as well. Now most young actors his age don't choose or agree to star in a summer blockbuster as it were just to die. To most his age, they are of the thinking that then if their character dies, no one will remember them or they don't get the big contract with the big money...okay maybe for the principals in the lead. But how smart was it of him at that age to choose a role that had his character not only dying but being killed by the villain? !!!!! Yay! Teen Rob! What a smart guy! Even back then. I love him even more now knowing this and knowing what a giant step it was for him to take not only 1. an Exec. Prod. postion on it but 2. to again have his character die tragically. Typiacally in Hollywood the greatest actors have chosen these girls prolly know exactly what roles, the actors and the movies and the years they took place we are all movie buffs here, another common thread we all share with Rob the delicious! and Rob the intelligent man. God he is more of a man at his age right now than I will ever be as a woman...and I'm 46 and have 2 kids and was a certified professional coder. for medical billing. The kid just became an Exec. Prod. on his own film! For gods sake I can't even think what that might entail. I digress sorry...
ahhh...@rpg, @nik, @susanne and cl and everyone else who opened their hearts and guts to us all here on this most excellent blog, may god bless us every one because I get it took you guys and Rob Pattinson to remind me that life moves so quickly and that once those seconds are gone, there is no getting them back. I've learned that I'm Obsessive Compulsive quite a bit...actually. ...

Anonymous said...

I will not do something unless I know the having said that...ladies whatis life all about? You don't know the outcome and nothing is me that is just too fucking scary to step outside my door every morning. yeh, i'm one of those people who would be perfectly happy being inside her big 2 story house all the time having things delivered and making money on the internet doing something(?), that would allow me to never leave my fucking house ever again inlife. Having said that, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my pov being how the whole idea behind Rob's latest project is to get out there and live life to the fullest because you never know when it's gonna be your last day on earth. God this is gonna kill me seeing him die like that! But I am soooooooo glad I know now, as I've said I hate surprises unless I kind of have an idea what the surprise is gonna be otherwise I don't deal well with it even it's a good surprise...! Yeah, I know I'm about as screwy as 50 shades over there on ff site yeah? LOL! I knew I could play a musical instrument just didn't want to do it in front of my friends so they could judge me...course if I had gotten into it then all those years ago I may have gone on to star with Keanu Reeves in Speed, my dream role with my dream guy at the time, or have been Ripley instead of Sigourney,...but being that I am as screwed up as I am...god knows when it happened?, I never tried...I think I was meant to come here to this blog and to get a feeling from you ladies in your words, and share a mutual love, lust, emotional feeling, covet is it?, for Robert Pattinson because I do feel his choices are healing a nation one NB at a time! I do love him as much as any person can think they do for another human being they've not even met...thought here before I forget this alot ....adhd?...ocd? @nik love the baby idea a lot...what words do we need? where are these vids and @rpg? can you send me the script? I think I really need to read it before I go see the movie...I think it will help to lessen the blow of losing Rob onscreen and Tyler...I'm going to feel like I'm losing 2 great guys. this is also a running theme with leave me. They always have.

my email is
also if any of the rest of you feel like it you can email me anytime with anything you find on the web about Robert...I would love and appreciate it. Or you can just email me to say hello! love a NB session! I do have a friend at work who used to do hair also and we kind of understand each other now that both of us have ended up doing medical claims. sorry for the long post and rpg need the script big time!
sorry so long but wouldn't let me post all of my comment in one blog! here's the second part! thanks for your patience ladies...I'll need a little more Rob movie love and by this time in say ohhhh a few more years I may be healed by our man enough so that I will actually in real life take a chance and venture out and open my heart and mind to a smiling, well meaning man who truly wants to know me for me and not for what he sees or thinks he sees or for what he can get sexually...unless he's a spot on identical twin for an older and wiser Robert! Then all bets are off!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sort of on topic, new 9/11 photos just released.

There aren't words, even now, to describe the feelings you have when you see the pictures.

Nancy said...

God I hope this is a blockbuster for Rob. He deserves it.

I think it is the only 9/11 movie yet? I may be wrong, but Rob has such great chemistry with his co-stars and he's so believable to us. He's a super star already. Emilie and he seem to have chemistry even in the stills. Isn't that fantastic?

With Rob being Exec. Prod. on movie, wouldn't he be picking out his major co-star? I don't know enough about it but read other peoples words online. He did a great job on this one. Cannot wait for this movie. May have to rent a seat. hehehehe

Thanks RPG for this connection.

nikola6 said...


This is what I wanted to talk about, these new 9/11 photos that Gwen put up the link for.

And yeah, they punch you in the gut all over again. You cannot look at them and not want to weep and scream. I went around the net to different sites where they were posted because I wanted to read the comments, to see what people were saying and STILL feeling about all of this (and I read hundreds which were just a fraction of the numbers posted). I wanted to know because 9/11 isn't something we talk about much anymore and sometimes it feels like we've forgotten all about it. We haven't. We've just buried it. But it's right there, right under the surface of our skin. And while we may think were just walking around with a few scars from this, thinking it's behind us, I wonder...

With just the release of these 12 photographs, from the comments I read, a floodgate of emotions were let loose and those scars were ripped open and people were bleeding again. Such pain and ANGER! That's what got me. The anger, the venom that is still dripping from us. We still want our revenge and we don't feel we've gotten it yet because Bin Laden is still out there. And I read fear too. People think that another attack is IMMINENT (the consensus being either in NY, Wash DC or London). And btw, the military said, just last week, the same thing; that they don't THINK another attack is coming, but that another KNOW one is (here in America) and that they expect it within the next six months and that it could be as large or larger in scope than 9/11('course when the military says stuff like this -although they haven't really said ANYTHING like this before- the cynic in me usually thinks it's because they want more funding for the war in the middle east, so they try to scare the holy hell out of us. But for the first time, this warning just felt 'different' to me)

This is my fear where this film is concerned. That because so many are going to go in unaware of what is going to play out, that when the 'shock' of it hits them, we could get some very 'interesting' reactions. And I'm not talking about the 'Rob' crowd. I'm talking about the non-Twilight audience that Summit is trying to get into the theatres for this.

I'm telling you, if they follow that script and both of these brothers are killed in these seperate attacks, people are going to be so slammed by this because the film is going to fool them. Fool them into thinking that in the story, 9/11 is in the past only to discover in the closing moments of the film, that it is not.

I think there could be some fallout here. I really do. I ran this situation by a friend of mine who hasn't read or seen Twilight. She thinks Rob is beautiful but she also thinks I've lost my goddamn mind where he is concerned (and honestly, I cannot give her much argument there). When I told her about all of this, she sucked in her breath and said...'some people are going to be angry with this movie. They could even picket it.' And I thought...'oh god.'

And I'm starting to think she might be right. Especially after I read those message boards. But, what can we do? Movie is finished and will be out in a month and I guess if there's going to be any backlash, they're just gonna have to deal with it. It's just that I don't want Rob caught in the cross hairs of a controversary and as executive producer on this, he wouldn't walk away unscathed. In fact, because he is the 'face' of this film, he along with Summit and Alan Coulter, the director, would bare the brunt of it.

But then...I'm a bit of a 'nervous nellie' and a 'sweaty betty' and maybe nothing will come of it all.
Maybe it will all be fine. Maybe.

Fingers crossed? Light a candle? Sacrifice a live chicken? (just joking there)

nikola6 said...

And yes Nancy,

This is the first film EVER in which a fictional character dies at the WTC on Sept. 11th. We've had a few others about that day, but those were true stories depicting real people who did or did not survive that nightmare.

And yes, as executive producer Rob worked on the script with Jenny, he had a major say so in casting and when he went to Cannes last year it wasn't just for a photo op. Summit sent him there in the capacity of an executive producer on this film where he sat in on meetings and helped to secure the distribution rights for the film.

Yeah. Summit gave a seat at the grownups table on this one. And I suspect that Rob may have even made a deal with them. Remember when he said he'd like his own production company by age 26 (ambitious little bugger, isn't he?). Well, when actors form production companies, they usually do it under the auspices of a major studio. And because of the phenomenons known as Twilight and Robert Pattinson (and the projected 3 billion or so that this franchise is going to make), Summit is becoming a major studio. And keep your eye on it's independent branch. Word has it that Roman Polanski's next film is with Summit. Admire the man or want to take a baseball bat to his head, he IS one of the greatest filmmakers in the world. Which is why despite everything, actors flock to work with him AND defend him. Actually, there's a reason why actors -and the powers that be in Hollywood- defend and want to work with him. But that's more Hollywood 'inside' stuff and their reasons for siding with Polanski are not politcally correct so no ones talking about it. If anyone's interested in knowing, I'll tell you) But anyway (sorry, my thoughts tend to race and wander)...

I'm gonna take a good strong guess here and say that I think Rob might have made some sort of deal with Summit. He goes out and jumps through the hoops in selling this franchise for them and then, when he's ready, they'll help him set up his production company up (and with this independent arm they're developing, Rob should be right at home). That's my hunch.

As for this being a blockbuster? Hmmm...I don't know about that. To be considered a major hit, it would have to hit that 100 million mark at the box office and I do think that is within reach. But blockbuster is usually over the 150inching towards that 200 million mark. I don't see that for this film.

Because what usually makes for a blockbuster is, repeat business and I just don't see alot of that with this film. I'm not even sure if Rob fans will go see it over and over. Maybe. If filmed as written, this film just ends too sad and with the controversary it could arouse, I don't know. I just don't see blockbuster here. I'd be happy with a decent opening. 20-25 million would be nice, but I'm hoping for something in 30-35 million range. Critical acclaim is going to play a role here in getting the non-Twilight crowd into the theatre, but then, people could be repelled by the 9/11 angle. That's why I don't want it getting out until after that opening weekend. At least let it open well as that will help Rob and if things should taper of because of some fallout, so be it.

Although...sometimes when something turns out to be controversial, it only attracts more people to it. They want to see what all the shoutings' about.

So...who knows? Certainly not me. We've got another month to go to see how all of this plays out. For Rob's sake, I hope it's everything that he wants.

And Imjabara...I'm going to respond to your post too, but I need a cig and some coffee. Be back in a bit.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Yes, Nik, these new pictures just illustrate exactly how raw 9/11 still is to all of us.

And I also feel a bit anxious as to how this movie is going to be perceived by the audiences---especially those in NY City. I truly feel that Fetter's intent was sort of a visual, cinematic eulogy of those who died (hence the title) and that the movie script itself does justice to that.

Agreeing with Nik (but with fewer words, sorry, Nik, LOL), my largest worry is that folks go into this movie expecting something entirely different. The shock of the main character dying at the end---and in such as way, may, indeed, cause some backlash.

I do think there will be some serious criticism (always is) for both the unexpected ending and for what folks will perceive as "using" 9/11. I don't feel that way, but a) I know the ending and b) these events did happen and people, like Tyler, did die.

Losing sight of that would be a tragedy all over again. No one deserves to be forgotten. I'd like to think this movie honors that---regardless of it's money-making ability.

Nancy said...

Gwen, I totally agree. Thanks Nik for the insight.

nikola6 said...

Oh. I agree too Gwen, that this film should pay hommage to the innocent lives that were taken for no good goddamn reason at all. That Tyler's character will represent those lost, innocent lives. If they can get that across, then the film should be okay. My fear is that they won't and people are gonna get slammed by this and then they're gonna feel manipulated and then they're gonna get mad. Oh, I hope not.

As far as the money goes...
I do want to see it open well as that will only raise Rob's statue in Hollywood and therefore afford him more opportunities. But I don't care if it's a blockbuster. A good opening weekend, some decent reviews and I'm good.

And are you implying my dear that I talk alot. What's up with that? Sheesh. You post 10 or 12 ten thousand word disertations a day and before you know it, you're known as wordy. LOL!

I know. I know. I'm hopeless. Sorry for the eye strain. Just be glad you're not sitting on my couch. I can talk as much as I write and I could give you a headache that would knock Edward Cullen into a coma. And that wouldn't be easy.

And you're welcome Nancy.

Oh. And RPG...I posted over on the 'extended shower scene' post. Holy Moly! Rob you can't pull that caveman stuff on me (picking women up and throwing them over your shoulder). Neither my heart nor my girly parts can take it.

nikola6 said...


Does anyone know if these trials are still taking place in NYC and when that might be? I heard they might change it as some do not want this thing 'open.' They want it more military tribunal. I don't know what to think myself.

One the one hand, this crime took place in the city of New York and shouldn't a jury of 12 from that city be able to sit in judgement? And I do like things 'open' as I believe we tend to get to the truth of things when we throw open the doors and windows and let the light in. But then again...

Would this just be too damn hard for NY to go through and then there's the question of, was this really a military operation? Were we invaded by a particular country and/or army OR rather by a ragtag band of fringe zealots? Yeah, we ended up at war over it, but was the actual attack a 'true' military operation? I think this is what is being debated. I don't have the answer.

But please God, whatever they decide to do here, please don't let them do it NY in March. That's all I ask.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes, those new photos are devastating, and I'm sure opened up some old wounds, as well as reignited others.

I have never been to NY, I don't know anyone there, had no family there in no way shape or form can I understand not only the city felt like on that day, or the people there, what they suffered or their loss.

As a HUMAN being, this affected me from every cell in my body all the way down to my soul. My grandson says I'm obsessed with it. and I probably am a little.

I read the 911 commission, watched all the movies & documentaries, and every photo or story I read brings me to my knees....just like it was yesterday.


I don't know where to begin....uh...I think the movie will definitely blow people away (bad pun not intended)...and I think there may be some back lash...there will be critics who say that 9/11 is being used to sell Hollywood, and movies...and Rob will be in the middle of that...

My hope is that they see the beauty in this script, in this story, and understand that it's not mean to sensationalize 9/11.

It is the story about hope, family, loss, love,and betrayal...

It's matters...

I think Rob is a risk taker, and one smart man. I think he knows there may be a lot of back lash, but he believes in this project, and it's worth the risk to him.

I also agree and think Rob has a deal with Summit....for him to have been sent to Cannes, and he alone, says a lot. He is a business man. He is where the money is right now, and his name means something.

He also has class, dignity, and is not out to just "make money" in Hollywood....he's not out there making all these crappy ass teenage movies, or blockbuster movies just to make money.

These roles have to mean something to him...

And Tyler, just reaches through and grabbed right onto my heart...almost from the first line in the script....that is brilliance...

Ok, rambled enough....

I adore (worship) this man....

Anonymous said...

@Nikola - 'I think Rob is a risk taker, and one smart man. I think he knows there may be a lot of back lash, but he believes in this project, and it's worth the risk to him.

I also agree and think Rob has a deal with Summit....for him to have been sent to Cannes, and he alone, says a lot. He is a business man. He is where the money is right now, and his name means something.

He also has class, dignity, and is not out to just "make money" in Hollywood....he's not out there making all these crappy ass teenage movies, or blockbuster movies just to make money.

These roles have to mean something to him...'
Yeh, copy that Nik! I absolutely agree with every word you just said. He is all of that and more...the words just escape me right now. Apparently our Young Mr. Pattinson has inherited, or maybe was coached by the Older more experienced Mr. Pattinson how to make a deal, sign a deal WIN a deal! Rob obviously learned something from watching his Dad all those years buy, sell, trade, and sign contracts at his business...yeh, they are worlds apart in terms of money making sums, the business they each had. But our Robert is a businessman and yeh, I have the unauthorized album of Rob's where he is quoted as saying he wanted his own recording studio first, and now his own production company? I found some really funny quotes from his Robert Pattinson Album. I love the way he used to speak about the business and his impression of it...during shooting of Twilight and all the press junkits. He said, 'If I'm getting paid $12 million a movie I'd walk around naked. I don't know who makes that stuff up!' And reading that I have to think of what he must be doing for Bel Ami...hehehheh he must be getting the $12 million a movie now! ;) oh and RPG? where are the pics of him standing in the window of his dads office and you can see the plane coming towards the building? I can't seem to find it.
love you guys and thanks for being here for me when times get rough for me.
And of course as always thank you Robert where ever you may be at the moment. I love you most of all!
Lisa J.

Anonymous said...

@RPG - thanks got the script and will read sometime today...have the 16 yr. old and don't get much time with him and he is like an emotion spunge right now towards me wanting 'Mama' right now and I just give it to him right now as well...god I love that kid! He is turning out to be everything I hoped he would but were afraid to hope too much you know putting too much of what I wanted out of life onto my kid? Soooo...will read script, will spend time with 16 yr. old son, will do taxes, will blog, blog, blog, and try to see Wolfman today i think with friend from work she thinks we're seeing Remember me coz I got excited and thought it opened this weekend instead of March it confused and do so often! They love me at work when I do that btw...

Rpg love the music player you have running while I blog on yours it's inspirational and god I thought I was the only one who loved the quad 4 so much! I absolutely love his friends! Jeeeeezzz ALL of them are so incredibly talented it isn't even funny. I love listening to Bobby's voice it's soooo deep and sexxxxxxy I have no words as to how it makes me feel and Marcus' words and music and feelings when he sings just lifts me up sooooo high I feel like I will never come down. And Sam? OHhhhh Sam is another god like Rob. They inspire this vision in my head that makes them all look like Avenging Angels or the 4 horsemen only of creation instead of the apocolypse! hehehehehh I love these guys and would love to hang that player in my car when I travel down the road to Oregon or just to whereever. Love the list on it. I have their stuff all over my myspace page. Anyway oh happy day, we're alive and lovin' RP and his mates another glorious day on this little dirt speck floating here in the cosmos! I'm feelin' quite a bit today. Don't know how to process it still deciding what to do with my day! but just knowing I have people to share my Robsession with is sooo valuable to me it's a feeling sometimes I can't put into words. It's been so long since I tried to integrate into any kind of circle of friends that sometimes I find it overwhelming. I thought long and hard about this, this week coming and going to work and found that I feeeeel things to the utmost...I think I feel tooo much any one given sitch and that's why I pull back alot. My kids make me feel so much I fear I'm stuck in that mother mode you get right after you give birth? you know? that weird kind of 'I will kill you if you come too close or try to lift my newborn from my arms!' kind of feeling? I know there must be something you call clinically because of brain chems released but it's just always been there and the anxiety I feel when I have to take my son back to my soon-to-be ex's place is overwhelming...I bawl my eyes out every time. He always wants to go back the next day. I'm really glad he has my husband and my husband wants and loves him sooo much but it kills me. That is why I love coming here so much...for the break in real life and just to listen to what others have to say about their own impressions about how Robert was raised and what you guys think of him as a young man and how you feel he is handling everything. I didn't have this kind of camaraderie ever in years, not since cosmetology school have I had this much fun sharing my thoughts with a bunch of girlfriends? i wish we could plan an event that would take us all to a convention center and we could book rooms and have a really good time meeting in a big ole room watching nothing but all the vids we all post and movies of Rob's and all his printed interviews and vids fan made and otherwise running 24/7 on great big vid screens all around the room! We could call it Robsessed Vention XXXX *year* whaddya think? ;) peace and love english girls call their other english girlfriends mates? or is it strictly an english guy thing? anyway you know what I mean...mwwwaaaa* Lisa J.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

I had no idea the entire basis of this movie. I figured Tyler died at the end from some of the posts but not about his brother. As a parent i can't imagine that pain. so, in the script the end is just him looking out the window as the plane comes and they find a journal later. this movie is going to kill me. and the poor girl seeing her mother die then this. i haven't read the script but thank you for preparing me for this movie. it seems we will all fall in love with this charater just to have him taken away from us. RPG, your blog is wonderful! i love the music--that is one of the things that drew me this whole Robsession. his voice is incredible. thank you again for the info. this is a movie i'll come out of with a headache because i won't be able to sob like i need to.

LM said...

I have not read the script but I did figure out what was going to happen as soon as I saw the birthday cake with the candles. The 22 standing so much higher than the other candles shouted out twin towers to me whether it was supposed to or not.

I agree with Nik concerning the time factor. I hope the RM will be successful but worry that not enough time has elapsed since 9/11. The son of a friend worked in the WTC and was approximately a block away from the building when he saw the first plane hit. To this day he does not remember why he wasn’t in the building. He called his parents as he watched the tragedy unfold and told them to turn on the TV. They told him to get out of there and he did. Up until that time he had loved living and working in NYC but he lost so many friends and co-workers that he was unable to continue to live there. He moved across country and now lives in LA. I do not think he would be able to watch this movie even after 8 ½ years and even if the main point of the movie is not 9/11.

Rob is smart, though, and very lucky so maybe it will be fine. I appreciate the spoilers regardless because I would be most unhappy to see this blindsided.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thank you wensdazzled & Laurie...

nikola6 said...

Something else has occured to me and it's another reason why I think those who want to be spoiler free are making a mistake with this particular film. Choice. This movie doesn't give the audience a choice. If they knew how it was going to end, they might choose not to see it and even though it could hurt the box office, I think people should be given that choice.

We've had other films made about 9/11. The one about the cops at Port Authority w/Nicholas Cage and the Oliver Stone film about the flight with Todd Beamer and the others who fought back and the plane went into the ground in Pennsylvania. I CHOSE not to see those films. It was too soon for me. I still haven't seen them. The only reason I am seeing this one is because of Robert Pattinson. If this were ANY OTHER ACTOR and I knew what I know, I would not see this film. Yes, I want it to do well at the box office, but people's feelings and emotions are more important than any movie. Even one of Rob's.

When the film comes to the morning of September 11th, when we see those scenes of him with Ally in bed, lying on top of her, making those angels wings on her back. Then watching him head down to his father's office, speaking with his father on the phone, going up in the elevator, looking at the photos of Michael and Caroline on his father's computer and then finally, walking to that window...these scenes are going to kill me. Because I know that his life is over. His last scene with Caroline? When he says goodbye to Ally that morning? That's it. He's gone.

But how do we explain to people on the blog that this isn't just any other movie? That they have NO IDEA what they're going to be walking into? It is so hard to just sit back knowing that some of them are about to get their hearts broken. And not just because Rob's character dies in that tragedy, but because of the tragedy itself.

I guess all we can do is be there on that weekend to talk to them. And if anybody says, 'I told you so' I'll slap 'em hard. People could be devastated by this and we need to be tender with their feelings.

I envision a 9/11 mother who lost a beautiful young son either in one of those towers or on one of those planes. Maybe she's a Twilight fan or a Rob fan and she doesn't want any spoilers. So, she's going to go into that theatre completely unaware of what awaits her. As the film begins and reference is made to Michael's death, she might be stunned a little but she'll believe that he died on 9/11 and that is in the past and the film isn't going to go there. She'll feel safe. But then at the very last minute, it does go there. And she'll never see it coming. To watch that final scene would be like watching her own child die. And the film would not have given her the choice not to see it. It's going to slam into her like an out of control train.

And it doesn't matter that this is just a fictional story and a fictional character. There is NOTHING fictional about that ending. It was real. IT HAPPENED! People died. And other people have not recovered from it. Yes, it's a great piece of writing and one hell of a twist, but they are going to fool the audience with this thing and September 11, 2001 is nothing to fool people with.

This is my fear, that people are going to feel so manipulated by this and that they are going to be angry. I hope with all of my heart, that I am wrong. I don't want Rob having to face public outrage and having to issue statements and hold press conferences apologizing for any pain that this film might cause. And that could happen. Let us pray that it doesn't come to that.

nikola6 said...

Sorry. I'm an over analytical, worrisome Virgo. It'll probably be just fine. A little shock. A little upset. And people will be on to the next thing.

I mean, the filmmakers aren't insensitive bastards. If they thought they had something here that could encure public outrage and hurt people, they'd delay the release and take it back into the shop and retool it. Make Michael's death a suicide and have Tyler die by getting hit on his bike on his way down to his father's office. Remove all references to the tragedies at the WTC. The essence of the story would remain the same.

I have to hope that these professional filmmakers, know what they're doing.

Nancy said...

@nik, you're not being a worrywart, but make a valid point.

I'll offer another view. My father was in WWII (stationed in Europe) and he loved watching all the War Movies, (I hated them) but there was nothing much on TV when I was a teen. There were also Cowboys and Indians movies too. He saw plenty of friends die but enjoyed the movies. Maybe it's a guy thing, but who knows. He dead now so I couldn't ask him about his perspective.

I also feel bad for the people not curious enough to investigate like we did. I wouldn't intentionally go to a 9/11 movie, but its Rob and Totally support him and his career! The trailers really look so good. He's really delivering.